Professionals: Screening

Below you will find information about screening as it pertains to professionals. Information related to COVID-19 and screening can be found at our COVID-19 page.

Entering Screening Data

On October 6, 2020, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) launched the Health Information Data System’s (HIDS) Newborn Hearing Application. This database is designed for entry of follow-up hearing screens, basic audiologic evaluation data, and some key intervention milestones. Particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is vital that screening data be entered into the HIDS database to ensure early and timely screening, identification, and intervention for children in the State of Colorado. 

Which health professionals can apply for access to the Health Information Data System’s (HIDS) Newborn Hearing Application? 

Any health professionals working with infants ages birth-36 months who screen babies, or perform audiological diagnostic testing, may apply for access to the database. Professionals who can access the Health Information Data System’s (HIDS) Newborn Hearing Application include health professionals who perform follow-up hearing screens (e.g. midwives, hearing screeners, etc.), pediatric audiologists who perform audiological evaluations, and early Intervention’s Colorado Hearing (CO-Hear) Resource Coordinators. 

Which health professionals should not apply for access to the Health Information Data System’s (HIDS) Newborn Hearing Application? 

  • Any health professionals who only submit initial hearing screening results using the Electronic Birth Certificate (EBC) worksheet through CDPHE’s Vital Records will continue to do so and need not apply for access to HIDS, since EBC data is already imported into the HIDS system. 
  • Any health professional working with children beyond 36 months of age need not apply for access to the HIDS database. The HIDS system cannot store data beyond age 36 months.  

How do I gain access to the Health Information Data System’s (HIDS) Newborn Hearing Application? 

  • For those interested and eligible to apply for access, please apply at the following link:
  • Note: Private practice audiologists and midwives should contact Newborn Hearing Screener, Leanne Glenn, at or 303-692-2603 first to confirm their license information and then to add your facility prior to applying for access.

I have access to the Health Information Data System’s (HIDS) Newborn Hearing Application, but I am looking for support on how to use the system and enter data. 

  • For more information, please view the How To Guide at the following website:
  • The How To Guide contains the user manual, a PowerPoint presentation, and step-by-step instructional videos detailing how to enter data for each section of the database.
  • There is a video with specific instructions toon request access in the How To Guide.

Who can I contact for additional questions about the Health Information Data System’s (HIDS) Newborn Hearing Application?

Please note the email is the fastest way to receive a response from staff, as CDPHE staff are mostly working from home at this time. 

Where can I find pediatric audiologists?