Hi! My name is Stephanie Jean Herring. I am originally from Sacramento, California. I was born deaf. I was oral until I was 5 years old when my mother, my older brother, and I learned Signing Exact English language and total communication, simultaneously. My little brother was born eight years later, then he started to learn American Sign Language to communicate with me after he was looking up to his sister when he was 7 years old. I went to Deaf Day ( total communication) school for 5 years, then California School for Deaf, Berkeley when I started using American Sign Language. I went to Jr high/high mainstreamed for two years then I went to California school for the Deaf, Fremont for 3 and 1/2 years until I graduated.
I worked as an Instructional Assistant for Deaf and Hard of Hearing programs in K-12th grades from elementary to high school in California, and Arizona for 10 years. I was teaching ASL classes at the Adult Education Center for two years.
I moved here in Colorado 5 and 1/2 years ago. I worked several jobs and I volunteered at Deaf Overcoming Violence through Empowerment (DOVE) and my Domestic Violence training. I taught private ASL tutoring for one year. I am currently working with hearing parents of deaf child or children by providing literacy and sign language. I am also a General Educator (Sub-teaching) in the ECE program to High School at Rocky Mountain Deaf School on call. I enjoy many activities, such as biking, walking, hiking, and traveling. I enjoy building dollhouses, too.