
Interim Referral Process

April 15, 2020


The Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind (CCDHHDB) and the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) Office of Early Childhood (OEC) Early Intervention (EI) Program were recently awarded the four-year federal grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Resource and Services Administration (HRSA) to support Colorado’s Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) system.  

While the grant may have changed hands, our primary goal remains the same – to ensure continuity of services for children who are deaf and hard of hearing and their families.  Attached is a document providing more detail and outlining current referral processes for children to ensure they and their families continue to have access to early intervention/Part C services. Also attached is a current list of CO-Hear contacts and the counties they serve.

Please distribute widely to other partners and stakeholders. 

Christy Scott
Early Intervention Program Director

Below are two PDFs (downloadable) that outline the Interim Referral Process as well as a directory of CO-Hear County assignments and their contact information.

EHDI Interim Referral Process

CO-Hear Contact Information by County